Hi Everyone, Just wanted to give an update on the current state of development for Fast and Low. Things have been pretty hectic on my end the past month or so. Unfortunately I got hit with Covid, which pretty much put a halt on development since the last hot fix patch. However, after making full recovery, it's time to get back into business! >:D In my opinion, I believe Fast and Low is in a pretty good spot, and the goal to have it come out of Early Access sometime in the middle of this year is definitely achievable. Minus one of glaring issue that I believe needs to be addressed, which is the Buddy AI. So here is what I will be working on leading up until the release of Fast and Low. 1) Fixing up the Buddy AI, so it's not useless 2) Adding some UI in the main menu to allow me to easily add additional levels in the future 3) I plan to work on 3 additional levels to herald the launch of Fast and Low (if y'all have any ideas, drop it in the comments below and I'll take it into consideration). A lot of the current maps take inspiration from locations in real life...but with pandemic raging on and me being stuck at home for the past 1.5-2 years...it's suffice to say that the well of inspiration has dried up a bit. Just to note, even after releasing Fast and Low out of Early Access, I still plan on creating additional fun levels for Fast and Low when inspiration hits (hence point number 2 in the road map). So TLDR; I was sick...but I'm back! Development ain't dead until I am. [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/f6de4c8a325763469ac2747c1c53bcad61f57aa4.gif][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/f6de4c8a325763469ac2747c1c53bcad61f57aa4.gif[/img][/url] Thanks everyone for your support so far! If you have any feedback or suggestions, please leave it in the comments below!