Hi Everyone, For the past couple weeks, I've been trying to get Custom Player models working via modding. The bad news is that I've come to the conclusion it just isn't possible with how everything was setup (how the player is spawned and etc)... The good news is that I've released a new mission (1021 Whitebear Avenue). This can be found on the Steam Workshop. It's essentially a remodelling of the drug-house in Mission 10, with new enemy patrols and layouts. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/6020e903fa0f9462d03ef825e197f2cb12c7b19d.png[/img] I plan to release more levels through Steam workshop in the future. Small CQC maps, and larger scale ones like this one. [b]Minor Changes[/b] - Reduced the size of the VR player hitbox - Fixed an issue with the Model-10 AP not spawning correctly (sometimes) in the left holster - Removed the Voice Audio Volume setting (as it caused alot more issues/confusion than it was intended to fix) As usual, thank you everyone for your support and feedback so far!