Good Evening, I made some changes to how Online Multiplayer works. Game Version is now updated to 1.32 [b]Hosts can now start a Mission solo from the Online Lobby while they wait for people to join their game sessions[/b] At the moment, when someone hosts a game, they're stuck waiting in the Gun Range with not too much to do.... I think this really discourages someone from hosting a game (as it could get pretty boring). Hosts can now begin a Mission (from the Gun Range board), and players can drop in midway. Newly joined players should be able to seamlessly continue with the hosts mission (for the most part). However I still [b]strongly recommend[/b] that the host restarts the mission, just so everything syncs optimally. [i]With this change, I'm hoping to see more joinable games in the server list![/i] [b]Additional Online Changes[/b] - Added a Ping counter to show the players Ping per selected region. - Client will now automatically try to reconnect to the Photon server if it initially times out - FPS players were unable to see other FPS players if they chose any of the SWAT avatars. This has been fixed [b]Misc Changes[/b] - Minor optimization tweaks to Map 8 - Changed some of the materials of player models so you can't see their eyelenses through the back of a models head