Good Evening, Just releasing a patch that fixes/improves on a bunch of pain-points I noticed during my playthroughs. Game Version is now 1.52 [b]AI Tweaks[/b] - Enemies will now try to run past doorways before initiating their Shooting Animation on players. This is to reduce the jankiness of enemy path-finding. - Reduced the occurrence of enemies being stuck in a Raise Gun/Lower Gun animation loop. [b]Ragdoll Tweaks[/b] - Enemy ragdoll joints have been updated. They will no longer pop up when they die WHILE in a seated position. - Civilian ragdolls have been tweaked. They now ragdoll smoothly/properly when killed. [b]FPS Player Tweaks[/b] - Updated FPS SWAT helmets to be consistent with VR SWAT models - MP5 and M4 models have been updated to reflect the VR updates - Ironsights for guns have been updated to reflect VR changes - Hip-fire spread has been drastically reduced across the board for full-auto weapons [b]Misc Fixes[/b] - Map 5 Spawn points changed. There was a Mohawk that was spawning incorrectly spawning on a table. - Map 4. Changed the fridge to an angled sofa in the kitchen area. Enemies were sometimes shooting through the fridge. - Map 10. Removed the small breakable windows. - Glock Ironsights: Front nub size increased