Hi Everyone, This patch is being deployed in hopes of fixing the issue of enemies being able to shoot through walls. I can see how this can be very frustrating and unfair for players, so I've been working around the clock to try to get this addressed ASAP. Hopefully this fix works! I've also included some of the stuff I was originally planning for the next patch :P [u]Game is now on version 2.41[/u] [h2]Hotfix Changes[/h2] - addressed the issue with enemy bullets clipping through walls and killing players. a new check has been implemented on the bullet that prevents it from passing through wall colliders [i]I understand this must have been a very frustrating issue. Sorry![/i] - the interiors for Mission 20 have been reworked! [i]Some players felt that the interior was too similar to Mission 19....and after looking at it some more....yeah i was inclined to agree...[/i] - revamped/re-added a new behavior for Enemy AI. After being ordered to surrender, if they aren't cuffed in a reasonable amount of time ([i]random value between 20-30 seconds minus their courage stat[/i]), they would eventually pick up their weapon and start attacking the players. Hopefully this resolves some of the issues that players are having with Fast and Low. Thank you again for the support and feedback for this game. Wouldn't be able to improve this game without y'all. - Huskinator