Hi Everyone, Today I'm releasing a new mission for Fast and Low. I've also made some tweaks for the FPS player (see below for more). The game is now on [b]Version 2.3[/b]! [u][h1]Mission 19 - Crystal Palace[/h1][/u] Lead by the self-proclaimed [b]'Crystal King'[/b], the '16th Street Hustlers' have allied themselves with the 'Flamingos' to pump out a dangerous new drug into our streets. It's up to us to take down this nefarious operation. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/437b6bba03491ec1bab47d087e451cb765fcace6.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/7bdb13c820522f0dbc088aca00e2a87b5f3c4cb5.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/7650e9e6025bcba3a2ce42b68890531de43b13d7.png[/img] Added new fake-civilian models, as well as new knife-wielding charging enemies. [h2][u]Miscellaneous Changes[/u][/h2] - added "Field of View" settings for FPS players - fixed animation delay between reloading and sprinting (FPS) - modified sprinting animation for AR's and SMG's (FPS) - added sound effects for menus (both VR and FPS) - Enemy AI will now break out of Crouch-Cover/Side-Cover stances when flanked - Enemy density reduced in platform area for Map 11 - Metro Level [i]WIth the release of this patch, you may have to re-unlock the SCAB-AR from Mission 17[/i] [h2]Thank you everyone for your feedback and support![/h2] I hope you're all enjoying Fast and Low, and are feeling the improvements I'm adding to the game. Let me know what you think of the new level, or if you run into any problems. Til next time!