Hello Everyone, I'm pleased to announce that players can now Upload and share their level creations to the Steam Workshop. A guide will be created and posted on the Community tab shortly, to outline the process and prerequisites for uploading to Workshop. Game Version is now 1.56 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/c3ae7e8426030129851ca66c217323ae6f49da7d.png[/img] [h2]Misc Changes[/h2] - Fixed issue where a Windows 10 Microphone Setting: "Allow Apps to Access your Microphone", would cause the game to black screen/crash on Mission Load - Increased Dmg on AK. Increased Recoil to compensate. [h2]What's Next[/h2] - Adding more building tools to the Level Editor so it's easier to create levels - Add Custom enemy functionality - Look into WMR controls.