Hi Everyone, Today I'm releasing a patch that adds some more life and flavor to the existing levels. I'm also adding to the existing Slow Motion Game-Mode to add more replayability to Fast and Low! Game Version is now 1.46. [b]World Clutter[/b] During my playtests, I noticed how bland some of the environments felt without random clutter. So I created a whole bunch of extra models and sprinkled them throughout the levels....things like microwaves, cutting boards, fruits, plates, food, etc... [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/cd1bd8347e1eaf9ca7c0b3c3f1de2b82f247e5fb.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/904ba740f6b5a87aa0ba1456246781e47c6b404d.png[/img] [b]Slow Moooootionnnnn[/b] Slow motion is imo one of the coolest things in VR. So I added 3 new Slow Motion styles on top of the original Slow Motion Option. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/7277b8c28286393189131a9ddbe729c7ab7f7e26.png[/img] 1) Unlimited Slow Motion. [i]Use the the menu button to toggle slow motion on/off. Unlike the other version, this slow motion never runs out[/i] 2) Action Slow Motion. [i]Slow Motion is automatically triggered during combat[/i] 3) Lukewarm Mode. [i][b]Superhot [/b]is the king of slow motion imo. This is just my play on it. Use the menu button to toggle this mode on/off[/i] [b]Bullet Delay[/b] Player guns are built with raycasting...meaning hits are registered instantly when the trigger is pulled. I now added a formula that delays the impact based on the distance of the target.... Although this may not really affect normal gunplay too much....It's super apparent when playing in slow motion mode.....you'll now only see the enemy hits registering when the bullet reaches him/her. [b]Model Changes[/b] - Improved ironsight clarity for Glock - Improved ironsight clarity for M1911 - Increased the trigger guard for M1911 so player fingers don't clip through - Changed offhand grip position for G36 (less clippage) - Changed Grip Rotations for all Shotguns. The grips all had a slight rotation making them point slightly to the left when not braced. - Convenience store Civilian outfits have been recolored - Suicide Bomber mouth bindings now properly disappear when head is gibbed - Added a couple new civilians to the mix. - Changed all the toilets to a better looking model [b]Misc Fixes[/b] - Slow Motion guage has been repositioned on player arms. - Cover system has been fixed for enemies. (I think I broke this 2 patches ago without me noticing). - Flashbangs/Stingers/Grenade Pins are now synced on the network (so you can see an active nade) - Shooting open doors is now synced properly on network. - Shooting off enemy masks is now synced on network. - Added some new lines of code to try to fix the double ammo on reload (multiplayer issue). - Added some new failsafes to prevent hands from randomly gripping guns incorrectly (wrong angle) at start of mission - Removed the fadeout when VR players Create/Host new rooms. This was causing more problems than it's worth. Thank you everyone for your feedback and support. Please let me know if y'all run into any issues....and I'll try my best to address them.