Good Afternoon Everyone, Mission # 8 is now ready to public! With a raid on the Flamingo's Bomb division gone awry, Faust and Lo are now tasked with clearing a multi-storey apartment complex in attempts to defuse a rather explosive situation... [img][/img] This is a mission that emphasizes on close quarter gun fights... Our favourite Flamingo gang-members have upgraded their arsenal and some are equipped with ballistic masks. A new enemy archetype is also introduced in this mission.....careful not to shoot that bomb vest! [img][/img] This mission also includes a new unlockable weapon, and an unlockable perk. With the release of this map, this marks the end of Phase 2 of the development roadmap. With that being said, the next immediate item on the docket is to look into the 2-handed weapon handling. Although [i]I[/i] personally like the current auto-grab aiming....I've received a lot of community feedback to have it more in line of other popular VR shooters. That being said....I plan to look on this next! [b]Additional Fixes:[/b] - Revamped ALL the Doors so they run via Animations. [i]The doors were initially physics based....but they just weren't working for me....Since before, they were already operated with "physics-springs" transitioning all door functions to makes them less glitchy and janky looking...[/i] - Redid the lighting in some of the previous levels to make them prettier and more optimized. - Refactored some of the civilian and hostile AI scripts to make them more performant. Now we can have more enemies on the map at a time with less lag!! - Updated models on some of the civilians in the previous maps - Updated the Ballistic mask model! Now it fits more snugly!