Good Evening, Tonight I'm releasing the 12th Mission for Fast and Low. In this mission, the Flamingos are up to no good again, and are raiding a gated residential community in broad daylight! You'll be breaching and clearing 4 distinctly different homes in hopes of bringing order to this chaos! Check your corners! [img][/img] [b]New Unlock[/b] By completing Mission 12's 1st Bonus Objective. You will be rewarded with a new Primary Weapon/Tool. A Ballistic Shield (which can be equipped on either left or right arm). The trade-off is....well you won't have your Primary Weapon hopefully you've honed your pistol skills! [img][/img] Let me know if it's too OP. I may implement a damage threshold on the shield so it takes a finite amount of damage. Completing Mission 12's Bonus Objectives unlocks the Body Armor V2 perk. This increases the body armor from +1 to +2 extra health. [i] need to have unlocked Body Armor V1 first[/i] [b]Map Updates[/b] A list of various map updates: Map 1- Fixed NPC navigation so they won't float in the backyard Map 6 - Occlusion Optimization Map 8 - Occlusion Optimization Map 9 - Lighting Improvement and Occlusion Optimization Map 11 - Occlusion Optimization and Changed placements of some enemies [b]Misc Improvements[/b] - Refactored/Improved the code for Civilians and Enemies. This should give a noticeable improvement in the frame rates for all the levels (especially the ones with lots of enemies)! - Fixed Hand Models for the SWAT VR models - Fixed a bug with Calling Arrest that unintentionally increased the enemies Fear levels too much - Made the Asian Thugs and Suicide Bombers more aggressive and less prone to surrender - Increased the weapon draw rate for the Drugged Up Civilian-looking Enemies. - Enemy Shotgunner shooting speeds vary more between different enemy types. - Made the enemy Spray and Pray animation more effective/dangerous - Better AI animation synchronization in Online Multiplayer - Fixed a bug where enemies were not showing their "Surprised" animation in Online Multiplayer Thank you everyone for your support so far and special thanks to those who donated to my paypal! Let me know if y'all run into any issues...and feel free to join the discord channel: