[h1]The big three changes of this update[/h1] [h2]Main menu[/h2] This update kicks off with a much needed overhaul to some main menu UIs. The start of it looks mostly the same apart from the settings icon being gray instead of blue, but the UIs for many of them have been redesigned and polished with new space-y menu music playing in the background! The world selection UI: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/b7dcc6900dca32d95a08618f5d61f989c78df59e.gif[/img] This UI now has some sound effects when hovering over a save file, and when scrolling for some polish! The audio UI: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/e11986977b8e96fa7876aada8b5b317f513ec518.png[/img] The player controls UI: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/d1c3e86ed9bc257bd76ff602b9e17b458c0544bb.png[/img] The display UI: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/fb11d1b127c3fd84c1cdc677fb841fb9eddee120.png[/img] Notice that there are now settings for going fullscreen, and the resolution when going fullscreen. These are features taken for granted in other games regardless of the genre, but were completely absent from Cosmorists until this update! [h2]Landing sites[/h2] The player now has the option to land anywhere on the planet via landing sites instead of a single landing spot. Each landing site will tell the player what biome it is, what the temperature is, and the coordinates of the landing site. Since each landing site is 1049 km across, or 2²⁰ tiles across and each site is a similar distance apart from each other, it reveals the millions of square kilometers of explorable land to explore! This is the player landing on a different part of Tierra as seen in the gif below: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/32cdeb412787557bcc173cc64a16d3b3e7e58009.gif[/img] Note that the appearance of the map above will only apply to saves created in this update. Existing saves will still have this feature, but the map for those existing saves will look more like what's seen in the image below: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/bb75e715bfb8f4049e19f606cac24664b9b85859.png[/img] [b]Why does the map for existing saves look all jumbled?[/b] This is to make existing saves backwards compatible with the new update. If this new world generation overrides the existing saves, the player's main base will suddenly be in a hot desert, savanna, subtropical forest, or jungle biome, with temperatures suddenly jumping to between 35°C in the best case scenario and 65°C in the worst case. Keeping the map this way will ensure that a scenario like this never occurs. This isn't a bug, it's the old generation system at work, but zoomed out so far that it looks like a random, disorganized mess of biomes. For the saves created in this update, here's what to expect from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V1Y4c4OE2k For the initial introduction that evolved into the map in the video above, here's what it was like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-KsN4NWBco After the spaceship is repaired, the player is able to go into orbit with less fuel required to take off than going to another planet, but will only allow the player to land somewhere else on the planet. In the screenshot below, the player can't go to another planet due to the weight, but can still afford to orbit. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/5d4ea20d88f8a47f288d406db741bbf4a7f1966f.png[/img] Once in orbit, a map will automatically appear asking where on the planet to land. [h2]Treasure[/h2] This update also adds treasure. They can be scattered around occasionally on the surface in the form of crates, but are most common in caves of all worlds except for Luna. All treasure will cost coins to open, which simultaneously adds the first incentive for players to obtain coins via enemies, encouraging combat, and reduces the game loop's dependency on mining. This gives combat a larger role for obtaining resources both directly from the enemy, and coins to save up for treasure. Here's a sample of treasure found on the surface for a cheap price of around 4 coins per crate in the gif below: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/da245a395c9b30b8413eaf0b971f3a1d576031cb.gif[/img] Here's a demonstration of the player opening up more expensive treasure in the caves in the gif below: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/483b8e1c6ae8a78f1d771ce6339846d555ce3a05.gif[/img] They can also spawn in other planets, this is barrel treasure in Aquatica's caves: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/d3effb8b8068eb7461deba918271a9b54d6a7cc6.gif[/img] For more details on this treasure system, here it is in the video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X46p_SSFBFg [h1]Other highlights[/h1] [h2]Doors[/h2] In the world of base building, one thing was missing, and that was doors. They've been added in this update as well, and the player's base will now be safer from enemies without having to break and place walls each time the player wants to enter or leave their base! Here's the door in action from this gif: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/b5dfc3693cf5e9efbeeccbb8f3ca67c0cc85597e.gif[/img] [h2]Player[/h2] When mining something by hand, the player will now have a mining animation as seen in the gif below: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/a5c7b575cc115fb2aa3ede4a483bfde496d45454.gif[/img] In that gif is coal ore, a new ore intended to be used as an alternative fuel source for furnaces and spaceships. [h2]World Generation[/h2] [h3]All worlds[/h3] The biomes of all new saves will now span hundreds, sometimes over 1000 km across. The only exception to this are sub-biomes, most commonly in caves, whose size is similar to that of the old world generation. [h3]Tierra[/h3] In the dirt, mushroom, and berry caves, dirt walls will now generate alongside stone as a cave wall with less durability than the stone ones, making it easier to dig through for lower tier pickaxes. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/621d017c21601507808f60ae38a5c7822306f03b.png[/img] [h1]Smaller changes[/h1] [h2]Ambience[/h2] + Ambience for swamp and jungle caves. [h2]Crafting[/h2] + (Stone(8), Iron Bar(1), -1 Integer(1)) --> Iron Cave Entrance(1) + (Bronze Bar(1/4), Gold Bar(1), -3 Integer(1)) --> Gold Cave Entrance(1) - Magtise crafting on Luna [h2]Items[/h2] [b]19 new items[/b] + Coal Ore (A new ore that's sometimes found at the surface, but is most common at around layer 8 of the caves for most biomes, layer 10 for the desert, swamp, and jungle caves) + 10 door variants (7 wood variants, 3 stone variants) + 4 Christmas light variants (Obtainable by cutting down pine trees in the Taiga biome between Dec 12 and Dec 26. They're Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue variants available) + Sandstone Workbench + Sandstone Anvil + Magma Wood Chest [b]Increased hunger gain of the following food items:[/b] ~ Crab meat increased from 5 to 10 ~ Raw Tuna increased from 5 to 10 ~ Cooked Tuna increased from 10 to 20 [b]Decreased hunger gain of the following food items:[/b] ~ Cave berry decreased from 6 to 3 ~ Marine Cave berry decreased from 6 to 3 ~ Cranberry decreased from 6 to 3 ~ Luminous mushroom decreased from 16 to 10 ~ Red mushroom decreased from 12 to 10 ~ Frost mushroom decreased from 12 to 10 ~ Chili pepper mushroom decreased from 12 to 10 ~ Banana decreased from 15 to 12 ~ Slimeball decreased from 12 to 10 ~ Burnt Slimeball decreased from 24 to 20 [b]Increased the mass of nearly all tools and weapons[/b] ~ Copper and tin tools and weapons mass increased to around 60 kg each ~ Iron tools and weapons mass increased to around 120 kg each ~ Gold tools and weapons mass increased to around 200 kg each ~ Magtise tools and weapons mass increased to around 200 kg each ~ Titanium tools and weapons mass increased to around 30 kg each [h2]Mobs[/h2] ~ Enemies will now spawn based off of the biome of the tile they spawn in instead of the player's biome + [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/dbd1b794b0699225af8e3ba19d78a63ed7e482e9.gif[/img] Large cave spider (Tierra, Arachnid caves) + [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/f1b103483059888a662958578f425c159fd092fb.gif[/img] Addition Crawler (Matica, Arithmetic) + [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/02cefccd69d1570dff846ec4291062cf654a2476.gif[/img] Narwhal (Aquatica, Frigid Ocean) [h2]Music[/h2] + Main menu track (as highlighted in the main menu section) + Deep Arithmetic Caves ~ Temperate Forest [h2]Particle effects[/h2] + Water droplets coming off of mining water [h2]Player[/h2] ~ Increased time needed to use a pickaxe, axe, or hands from an interval of 500 milliseconds to 600 milliseconds. [h2]Sound effects[/h2] + Various sounds for the main menu + Door open and close + Dirt wall mining and breaking + Crystal mining ~ Bat flaps now pan depending on the location relative to the player [h2]Status effects[/h2] + Crushing Pressure (Shows up if the ambient pressure exceeds the player's ambient pressure limit) [h2]Tech Tree[/h2] + Titanium smelting + Titanium metallurgy [h2]Tiles[/h2] + Coal ore tiles + Flower tiles (Tierra, Plains) + Glowing blue corals (Aquatica, Frigid Oceans) [h2]UI[/h2] ~ Changing the resolution of the game by doing so in the settings or the window will now cause the UI scale in the game to respond with it. ~ Text in the space UI replaced with their respective icons. [h2]World Generation[/h2] [h3]Tierra[/h3] ~ Green crystals will now spawn in all cave biomes except for the stone cave, and any biome at or below layer 100. ~ Red mushrooms in the mushroom caves will now generate around 4x less frequently + Dirt walls will now generate alongside stone as a cave wall with less durability than the stone ones, making it easier to dig through for lower tier pickaxes. [h3]Luna[/h3] ~ Titanium ore on biomes where it was the most common is now around 100x less common in order to make Aquatica's risky deep sea the place to go to obtain Titanium. [h2]Miscellaneous[/h2] ~ Default resolution changed from 1500x800 to 1280x720 ~ Compasses will no longer show cave entrances / exits farther than 20 km away. + When the tech tree is unlocked, the game will now play a sound, the icon will glide down going next to the hotbar, and will flash green to grab the player's attention. Here's the animation of what unlocking the tech tree is in this update in the gif below: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44545324/d896c359cde52ecc384342716230413aa080f6ec.gif[/img] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [h2]Exploits[/h2] [list] [*] Smelting an item, cutting the output in half and clicking on that same output will cause the output to have a max stack amount, and a negative amount with the amount difference being the original amount. [/list] [h2]Freezes[/h2] [list] [*] Filling up the spaceship with fuel with no empty inventory slots causes the game to stop responding, and if not saved beforehand, the save data created in that session becomes lost. [/list] [h2]Inconvenience[/h2] [list] [*] Going fullscreen, leaving the game, and coming back will cause the game to automatically go to windowed mode each time. [*] Opening a chest or furnace will split the item if the mouse is hovering over an item in the inventory or furnace. [/list] [h2]Sounds[/h2] [list] [*] The spaceship launch sound will sometimes play quietly when in space, and play on a low-volume loop. [*] The grass in the wilting cave biome will make the stone footstep sound effect. [/list]