[h1]Origins[/h1] This game has been in development since December 2021, and it was quite a journey for me to get here, mostly keeping the game under wraps in 2022, creating a social media presence to unveil Cosmorists to the public in 2023, and sharing it with some of you later that year as an alpha. Your feedback really helped shape Cosmorists to where it is now :) [h1]A new chapter[/h1] Now in 2024 after developing this game solo for a little less than 3 years, the wait is over! A new chapter for Cosmorists has started, with much more content and changes to come with the community now involved in shaping my creation!🥳 [h1]The current trailer[/h1] [previewyoutube=mneYqyUNj7U;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]The future[/h1] With the game now in Early Access, there will be many future updates, and your feedback will be highly valuable in improving the game in ways that I would otherwise miss without it! I hope you have a fun time with Cosmorists, and if not, feel free to critique the game! - Stellar Roots