Hello, friends! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44269951/6ecba6814d3cd92d0cf96eb9e37dbaf4793c4aad.jpg[/img] After the successful launch of the game, we've been closely monitoring the portals. We've been nervously watching streams and reading your comments. Fortunately, no critical bugs were found. So, we focused on a multitude of minor improvements. [h3]Update 1 Content [/h3] [list] [*] Numerous minor bugs fixed, [*] Balance adjustments made, [*] Performance improvements. [/list] [h3]Bugs[/h3] [olist] [*] Boss Spheroid projectiles have been fixed. Projectiles occasionally got stuck in the air. [*] Boss Spheroid: Increased single shot speed, 200 → 400. [*] Fixed the progress bar for the Luck skill in the progress terminal. [*] Various text corrections. [*] The correct difficulty level is now displayed in the victory screen. [*] Skill point crates now drop from all bosses (previously didn’t drop from some bosses). [*] Fixed a bug with manual control of the Axeman character. [*] Tooltip fixes for displaying some achievements. [*] Added description for the Plasma Charge skill. [*] Added description for the Bluster Fury skill. [*] Added description for the Echo Strike skill. [*] Boss movement fixed: Bosses can now pass through crowds of regular enemies. [*] Fixed shooting for the Plasma Drone skill; it now fires without missing shots. [*] Enemies no longer stumble on stairs. [*] Fixed the ability to set negative values when upgrading skills at the base. [*] Shieldbearer enemies no longer grab characters. Previously, this felt like sticking to shieldbearers. [/olist] [h3]Balance[/h3] [olist] [*] Inner Fire skill: The chance of a burning enemy exploding after death has increased, 0% → 15%. [*] The Axeman character's Duration Enhancement skill has been reinstated. [*] The Axeman character now only accelerates and increases damage upon hitting enemies. [*] Enemy wave balance: Boiler Room, Difficulty Level 4, Stage 14. [*] Enemy wave balance: Laboratory, Difficulty Level 2, Stage 2. [*] Enemy wave balance: Laboratory, Difficulty Level 3, Stage 9. [*] Enemy wave balance: Laboratory, Difficulty Level 3, Stage 12. [*] Enemy wave balance: Laboratory, Difficulty Level 3, Stage 16. [*] Enemy wave balance: Laboratory, Difficulty Level 4. Difficulty increased across all stages. [*] Enemy wave balance: Laboratory, Difficulty Level 5, Stage 12. [*] Enemy wave balance: Laboratory, Difficulty Level 5, Stage 16. [/olist] [h3]Other (Optimization, Visuals, Controls)[/h3] [olist] [*] Optimization of certain enemies. [*] The Stomp skill effect no longer interacts with lighting. [*] Default skin color for Runner and Jumper enemies changed from gray to blue. [*] Removed an extra wall piece image from the character selection screen. [*] Added Dash skill to the Caps Lock key. [/olist] [b]Sincerely,[/b] The Midhard games Team