Free Demo & (virtual) Boston FIG
Author: anthropicstudios,
published 3 years ago,
We just released a new Way of Rhea demo as part of the virtual Boston Festival of Indie Games! The event only runs today, but our demo will be up on Steam all week.
The build has a bunch of new puzzles, some new mechanics, a first look at how the game's hub world will work, and a bunch of improvements to feel of the existing levels. If playtests are representative, it's about two hours of content, though I imagine many of you will be able to beat it more quickly having seen the game before.
The demo is freely available via [url=]our Steam store page[/url]. You don't need to sign up for the main event to download the demo, but the event seems super cool so far--they built an entire 2D RPG-like environment linking all the booths together w/ video chat at each booth, so you if you wanna stop by and say hi you can sign up here!
I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks about the demo! :) Getting feedback after these demos is always super helpful, you can get in touch with us via the [url=]the feedback thread for this event[/url] or [url=]our Discord[/url]!