Hey everyone, Thanks for checking out the Way of Rhea demo, and for all the feedback! :) I took some time today to make some adjustments to the demo in response to your suggestions. As a side note—most of the feedback I received was via social media ([url=https://twitter.com/anthropicst]@anthropicst[/url]), or email (anthropicstudios+support@gmail.com). Those are both great ways to get in touch, but we also check the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1110620/discussions/]community hub[/url]—it just looks a little dead right now since all previous demos were private or at in person festivals. :) Onto the changes... [h2]The Music[/h2] A number of people told me that they found the tempo changes in levels 00 and 03 distracting. In hindsight this makes sense—I was using our trailer music in game, it was written to really quickly build in intensity, not to comfortably loop in the background. I ran this by one of our composers, and he already had a few tracks queued up. I went ahead and swapped in two of those, so the demo now has some new, less distracting music! [h2]Undo/Redo[/h2] In Way of Rhea, you can undo any action of consequence. However, the game doesn't yet do a good job teaching you to use this mechanic, so some of you understandably thought you were softlocked when you ran out of orbs! Longer term I'm planning on building a puzzle early on that teaches you how to undo, for now I just threw up a giant banner on game start mentioning that "Q" is undo to make things clearer. :) [h2]Accessibility[/h2] A couple of folks mentioned having trouble differentiating between the orb colors. Long term we're planning on modifying the artwork to differ in silhouette as well as color, but for now I figured it was worth building in a short term solution. If you press escape and check out the options menu, there's a setting called "high contrast colors". If you enable this, the interactive items in the game will switch to a colorblind friendly palette. Note that the options menu does not currently persist through restarts, though it will in the final game. Thanks again for playing, enjoy the rest of the festival! :) Cheers, Mason