[h2]Log - 10/16/23[/h2] [b]Notes:[/b] [u]Virvius[/u] has had gradual updates to its [b]Demo[/b] and [b]Early Access[/b] builds without notification but this posting is here to address most of it as I'm stripped for time. The major updates were thoroughly focused on weapons animations, weapon switching, enemy animations. Feel free to try out the Demo for Virvius and if you have any questions, concerns or any other inquiries please refer to the [b]Steam Discussion board[/b] or[b] Enfenyx Gaming - Virvius Discord Server.[/b] [list] --------> https://steamcommunity.com/app/2335370/discussions/ --------> https://discord.gg/HSVPTCCs9E [/list] [h3]ADDED/CHANGED FEATURES[/h3] [olist] [*] Weapon animations are more animated [The whole system was refactored]. [*] Enemy animations were completely rebuilt for Grunt, Elite and Mastoid Enemies. [*] Weapon quick switching with "Y" button/Key, [Switches between two set weapons of your choice] [*] Player jump strafing/bunny hopping - can be toggled in options [Needs to be addressed further] . [*] Look acceleration option added in options. [*] Added screen capture mode in the command console [*] Player now plays hurt/dying sounds when damaged/severely damaged or on death. [*] When player falls/jumps from a high place the camera compensates for the landing. [*] Level 6 now has a new room with step lowering functionality. [*] Title menu video was updated. [*] Epileptic screen changed. [*] Main menu UI elements were refactored. [*] Added controller diagram for keyboard, Xbox and generic controllers in options menu pressing F11. [*] Added more console commands. [*] Added a new secret in level 3. [*] Addressed secret doors with a crosshair logo and different texture to make them easier to find. [*] Changed the loading screen UI elements [*] New functionality to level system that will gather enemies instead of manually assigning them. [*] Updated old enemy prefabs with new enemy code. [*] Enemies are much harder on hard difficulties. [/olist] [h3]GAME FIXES[/h3] [list] [*] A major bug when weapon would randomly disappear when switching weapons. [*] Updated console command codes as some were outdated. [*] Enemies would navigate through walls. [*] Fixed and matched UI font so it matches in option menu. [*] Player plays "OOF" sound at a smaller fall distance. [*] Environmental sounds were not effected by the environment sound set value in options. [*] Removed invisible collider in Level 6 blocking a wall. [*] When grabbing berserk power the weapon would lock up. [*] Fixed issue with environmental sounds still playing during loading screen. [*] Navigation UI element were not toggling correctly when keyboard or controller selected. [*] Fixed some missing textures in Level 6. [*] Explosions from rockets not gibbing enemies. [*] Fixed the railgun red light fading to match weapon recoil. [*] Removed water wave shader as its not compatible. [*] Changed grunt enemy sounds. [*] Diabolic battle not initiating In level 5. [*] Fixed bug with weapon out of ammo holstered weapon animation. [*] Fixed weapon continuing to charge when weapon is holstered against wall. [*] Fixed weapon charge sounds playing when game is paused. [*] Wrong name for powerup was addressed. [*] When player is mutilated the camera did not display any UI. [*] Options menu had issues sourcing audio clips from levels. [*] Changed shotgun damage range. [*] Added weapon sparks when shooting instead of having sparks for just V-Damage powerup. [*] Fixed some navigation issues when pressing back button in menus. [*] Fixed main menu selection bug. [*] Fixed explosions not exploding barrels. [*] Fixed weapon wheel selection image not highlighted. [*] Main menu UI images would shut off when underwater. [*] Rebuilt enemies in all levels 0-7 as old functionality and prefabs not longer worked. [*] Step lowering system in level 6 not working. [*] Fixed enemies in the intro showcase with new animations. [*] Updated and polished some of the games overall UI. [/list] [h3]GAME ISSUES[/h3] [olist] [*] Explosions still go through walls. [*] Player can still pop on top of enemies by running into them. [*] The crushers in level 4 and 6 the player can get permanently stuck inside with divinity powerup. [*] The rain triggers sometimes stay on when not under rain. [*] Sounds for weapons are still not great. [*] Game is very dark on some PCs but not all. [*] Jump strafing/bunny hopping isn't working well. [*] Some sprite elements are broken on ultra wide resolutions. [*] Swimming under the tower in level 4 sometimes causes the player to stop swimming but will drown. [*] Doors are not viewable as important for guiding the players path. [*] Armor collider needs adjusting as it's too small. [/olist] [h3]UPCOMING TASKS[/h3] [list] [*] Controller disconnection popup UI. [*] Continued development on level 7. [*] Adding barely surviving health when player is near death. [*] Rebuilding the photon cannon. [*] Addressing jump strafing to get it more functionally satisfying. [*] Checking for other alternatives for shotguns sounds. [*] Design a new trailer for Virvius. [/list]