[h2]Log - 03/11/24[/h2] [b]Notes:[/b] With great excitement and relief, Virvius episode 1 development is nearly at it's end. Within the past two months, 3 levels were pushed in record time and managed to even build a final boss for EP1-L10. Going forth there will be some patching, polishing and small features added to the game so we can have a stabilized build for April 6th. Feel free to try out the newest Demo for Virvius and express any thoughts or concerns or any other game inquiries to the [b]Steam Discussion board[/b] or[b] Enfenyx Gaming - Virvius Discord Server.[/b] I would love to hear from you! [list] --------> https://steamcommunity.com/app/2335370/discussions/ --------> https://discord.gg/HSVPTCCs9E [/list] [h3]ADDED/CHANGED FEATURES[/h3] [olist] [*] Level 8: Erode Asylum built. [*] Level 9: Carnage Lichyard built. [*] Level 10: Reapers Scaffold built. [*] New Enemy: Necrosis. [*] New torch props. [*] Setup a black screen fade when player transitions into a level. [*] Changed appearance of energy and plasma projectiles. [*] New music for levels 8, 9, 10 + boss. [/olist] [h3]GAME FIXES[/h3] [list] [*] Some sprite elements are broken on long resolutions. [*] Boss room door does not lock when engaged in battle in Level 10. [*] Enemies not on Nav mesh errors pop up on Level 10. [*] Boss type enemies cannot be gibbed. [*] Fixed the flame particle system for torches. [*] Elite enemy launches grenades directly down at player. [/list] [h3]GAME ISSUES[/h3] [olist] [*] Player keeps moving after being on a moving platform on Level 7. [*] Player can survive Lasers with full armor and health. [*] Photon Cannon Revs up immediately after shooting. [*] Berserk powerup falls through floor in level 6. [*] Rain trigger doesn't reactive when in rain. [*] Crushers in level 6 can catch player with god mode causing the player to get stuck. [*] Number of Enemies killed in level doesn't match the total number of enemies in the level. [*] Noticeable jitter on moving platforms. [*] Enemies stick to player on Level 6 Main Elevator. [*] Enemies have a late animation call when they are damaged or just died. [*] Dying and loading the file, gun animation doesn't reset and shoot in half animation. [/olist] [h3]UPCOMING TASKS[/h3] [list] [*] Change weapon wheel selection movement from keyboard to mouse. [*] Create a popup UI or weapon selection popup on bottom of screen. [*] Design better visual textures for the game. [*] Add barely surviving health to empower the player. [*] Add health based enemy pushback, instead of a damage timer. [*] Design a runic key as a key alternative. [*] Runic Key needs to implemented into UI. [*] Add a vibration strength option [*] Add 3-1-3 movement to enemies. [*] Create Achievements for Steam [/list]