[h1]Log - 04/26/23[/h1] [b][h2]GAME FIXES[/h2][/b] [h3]ENEMIES[/h3] [list] [*] Enemies need an option to turn off resurrection on Demonic difficulty. [*] Griever enemy snaps to damage animation when idle. [*] Griever not rising when player gets close. [*] Griever chases player while in idle animation. [*] Enemies still react to the player when Vanisher power is active. [*] Delusion enemy goes into walking animation when close to player. [*] Mastoid unable to hit player when below the player. [*] Delusion hit collider still active when mutilated. [/list] [h3]USER INTERFACE[/h3] [list] [*] Rain shader Z-Write material viewable through walls. [*] Environment sounds continue during loading screen. [/list] [h3]OPTIONS[/h3] [list] [*] Volume for game is saved but not implemented in options. [*] Setting a custom framerate "secretly" turns on V-sync. [/list] [h3]LEVELS[/h3] [list] [*] Rain Environment: Rain too bright and should look transparent. [*] Ep1-L5 boss music starts up after boss was beaten. [*] Ep1-L6 Crane door shuts on Crane while crane goes through it. [*] Ep1-L2 Rising from water does not jump Ledge in water Caverns. [*] Ep1-L2 enemies walk through drill rock. [*] Ep1-L3 Player stuck in acid in crate storage room [*] Remove Din Enemy from EP1-L5 Enemy Ambush room. [*] Remove Logos from Crates and add a picture texture instead. [*] Rain comes through top vent Ep1-L1 [*] Ep1-L2 lights on panels don't shut off when activated. [/list] [h3]GAME[/h3] [list] [*] Grenades blow the player really far [*] Removed Instant Elevator Movement [*] Explosive crates & barrels state not saved [*] Mini Rockets rotation is not reset when firing a rocket. [*] Ultra Shotgun pickup is showing "0" ammo collected. [*] Shotgun & Ultra shotgun needs to do more damage. [/list] [h3]PLAYER[/h3] [list] [*] Input System Player would get stuck on wall coming up for air. [*] Player dive force value was too low. [*] When player is underwater and hits a ceiling player tries to jump up. [*] Player would not jump out of water when close to ledge. [/list] [b][h2]GAME BUGS[/h2][/b] [olist] [*] Din enemy can hit player through wall. [*] Elite enemy grenades kills itself and other enemies. [*] Mastoid needs to fire lasers faster on easier difficulties. [*] Some particles underwater wave shader render weird. [*] Fix sprites in loading screen to fade not cut off. [*] When switching to another monitor, the activated monitor stays active for the duration of the game. (Unity Issue) [*] Setting a custom Frame Rate effects the V-Sync by turning it on when off. [*] Video and audio on preview on main menu video lose sync. [*] Railgun red fade doesn't match the return rate of recoil. [*] Sword can kill enemies through walls. [*] Explosions sometimes doesn't kill enemies. Overlap Sphere is blocked by other objects. [*] Brightness is only interactable when post processing is active. [*] Railgun red fade doesn't match the return rate of recoil. [/olist] [b][h2]GAME ADDITIONS & CHANGES [/h2][/b] [olist] [*] Enemies are now scripted with inheritance. [*] Enemies now have shoot accuracy. [*] Removing Virvius logo from crates drastically increased game performance. [*] Added moving enemy sprites on loading screen. [*] Changed the look of some weapons and enemies. [*] Converted TechDemo level 0 into EP1-L6. [*] Enemies now FIGHT each other only if its a different type of enemy. [/olist] [b][h2]GAME IDEAS & POSSIBLE CHANGES [/h2][/b] [list] [*] Build EP1-L7 level. [*] Rotating Grenades when shot. [*] Lava Kills Enemies. [*] Change Blood color. [*] When player uses sigma weapon with v damage to expand the radius/damage of the explosion. [*] Add blood enabled option. [*] Add gore enabled option. [*] Add look rotation assist option. [*] Enemies listen for player sound. [*] Add explosion holes for explosions. [*] Build a new damnation blade. [*] Stack Powerup powers – add power sprite stacking. [*] Tele-fragging. [*] Add vibration strength to options. [*] Controller disconnection UI message. [/list]