Hello! The primary purpose of this patch is to migrate the aircraft guns/bullets to the new system used by the vehicles. This brings the optimizations and robustness from the vehicle weapons to the aircraft. For the most part this is a back end change, but in updating the code it has resulted in a lot of tangential features being updated. This patch made some pretty large behind the scenes changes, so in the interest of stability I'd like to keep it on the tester's branch for a cycle or two. [h2]ZSU-57-2[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40742388/b51acda76b657fafa32ccc2665160b4ec1de5de1.gif[/img] This patch brings in a new unit, the ZSU-57-2. This "flak tank" is primarily an area denial weapon. It's not very accurate, and cannot fire under a certain altitude, but if you get hit by a salvo it can be devastating. The ZSU-57-2 can be selected in the Strike Instant Action mode, and has been added to the Arena Demo. [h2]Timed fuzes and flak[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40742388/b289c8d98505195cc7846e5c56914e57a41aab3c.gif[/img] Vehicles can now be configured to fire an explosive round with a timed fuze. The new ZSU-57-2 fires these rounds. Flak rounds are explosive with a high splash damage, but aren't precisely aimed. The flak rounds of the ZSU-57-2 cannot explode below a minimum altitude, so they can be safely avoided by flying below the flak screens. [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]New Features: - Many new visual and sound effects for the autocannon and cannon sized weaponry - Added ZSU-57-2 using a new timed fuze to create an area denial flak effect - Guns can use a timed fuze to explode based on a predicted target position - ZSU-57-2 has a "minimum engagement altitude" for turrets creates a "floor" that the player can fly under - Added ridiculous and extremely optimized empty shell system - Shilka, Mig-23, MiG-21, F-5E, and AV8B eject empty shells (I know the GAU-12 doesn't, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Improvements: - Aicraft guns migrated to new bullet/gun system - RecoilForce parameter moved to the gun itself - Vehicles override a gun's burst settings on the turret - Tracers have configurable length (1 for aircraft, 2 for vehicles) - All aircraft guns (even AI) now have bullet drop - AI can compensate correctly for bullet drop - Additional error reporting when something is wrong in the vehicle JSON - Revision of turret error properties + Leading is used to make the turret lag behind the target or apply extra lead + EffectiveRange is the range at which a turret is 100% accurate + FalloffError is the most a turret can be off target when the target is at or beyond FalloffRange + Offsetspeed changed such that higher values result in more errative behavior - Gun metal impact sounds more metalier, explosions more explosioner - Bigger muzzle flash for the Shilka Bugfixes: - Vehicles/turrets no longer target destroyed/disabled vehicles - Fixed gun audio not playing correctly when firing - Aircraft guns won't continue fire sound or pause burst when put into nav mode while firing - Tracers appear correctly from the barrel, even on fast moving jets - More aircraft gun camera shake - Gun fire sound emitted from barrel rather than vehicle/aircraft center - Barrels recoil in the correct direction - Bullets spawn the specified effects on self-destruct/explosion - Fixed crazy issue where sometimes some gun sounds could only be heard if the camera was next to the control tower - Fixed vehicles being unable to target if there were too many vehicles around - Turrets no longer instantly reset to forward when they go idle - Tank muzzle flash smoke no longer turns with the barrel - Muzzle flash smoke now has shading applied correctly - Removed "HasRecoil" parameter, default barrel recoil is now 0 - Removed recoil visual from Shilka (not modelled correctly) - More (EXPERIMENTAL!) safeguards to help vehicles spawn without errors in Arena Balance: - M60 top turret burst delay increased 2 -> 3 - Machineguns have difficulty tracking/leading moving targets - M163/Shilka have "perfect" accuracy only out to 1500m - All AAA in the Arena demo have had their build times increased to 70 seconds[/code]