[h2]What a day![/h2] Hello, everybody! I am the main developer of Tiny Combat Arena. Thank you all so much for the amazing support you've all shown. I really am humbled at the response. There's far more than the 5 or 6 people I originally expected to be into the game! This has been a crazy day. It started with last night, where I accidentally had the wrong build set to go live, so the for the first ~6 hours of the game's release was running an older pre-release build ( with a bunch of really important crash fixes missing. Oops. It was a bit of a shock to wake up to bug reports on things I know I [i]definitely[/i] had fixed. 😅 [img]https://i.imgur.com/0d4EWbL.png[/img] [h2]Stabilizing the Game[/h2] I've spent all day closely monitoring and responding to people across Twitter, the Steam Forums, and the MicroProse Discord to see what the most outstanding issues are. The [url=https://trello.com/b/1SODg7IQ/tiny-combat-arena-early-access-feedback-and-development]development Trello board[/url], which I use to keep track of what needs doing has been updated with everything actionable. For the very near future I will be prioritizing these particular bug fixes and pain points so that I can once again shift development back towards the game and expanding its features and content. I want to have a strong base to build from, and avoid trying to add a haphazard pile to a shaky foundation. 🙏 Currently my highest priorities are: [list] [*]Mouse free look controls [*]Refining keyboard/mouse controls [*]Smoothing out the rebinding screen experience [*]Game breaking bugs like infinite speed and Arena capturing being spotty [/list] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hsawS1z.png[/img] I want to remind everybody again of [url=https://trello.com/b/1SODg7IQ/tiny-combat-arena-early-access-feedback-and-development]the development Trello board[/url]. This is what I use to keep myself organized. In the interest of transparency, especially for something like Early Access where trust between the developers and community is critical, I keep it open to the public. [h2]The Future[/h2] Very soon, I'd like to put out a [b]Roadmap[/b] listing the features and content that I feel the game needs before I can in good conscious call it a 1.0 and move it out of Early Access. To set expectations: it will be very conservative and list only the essentials, as plans can and always will change in game development, but I think there should be some exciting stuff in there. - Why485