Hello! This one is a simple one, and contains mostly bugfixes to the reported problems with the previous tester's patch. However, I do want to talk about a feature that was recently (re)implemented. For those that were seeing errors related to vehicle spawning, I'm most interested in hearing how it's working now. The vehicle spawn bugs were something I wasn't able to reproduce, but I [i]do[/i] think that the changes I've made have improved it, hopefully enough to have fixed the problem. [h2]Vehicle Inaccuracy[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fmNnNUs.png[/img] While mentioned in the patch notes, I forgot to call out that the vehicles have their "error" parameters reimplemented. In 0.9.1, following the vehicle rework, all vehicles became perfectly accurate regardless of what their accuracy was set to in the files. [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ib9ibzp.png[/img] This resulted in APCs and machineguns taking more than just pot-shots at passing planes, and anti-aircraft fire being dead on if you didn't jink or change speed. With this feature back in, only dedicated anti-aircraft weapons are accurate, and even those are no longer perfect unless you get close to them. When taking fire from AAA, you should have a short warning to react to it before the distance is closed to the turret's effective range. This is back to how it was originally intended to work, and can be used to further differentiate different vehicles of the same type. E.g. a newer Shilka can be more accurate than a manually aimed older one. For reference, this is how the system works: [list] [*][b]Leading:[/b] Affects how far ahead or behind the AI can lead a target. Turrets which lack fire control software (e.g. machinegun turrets) will lag behind a moving target. [*][b]Effective Range:[/b] The range at which the turret will fire accurately onto a target. At ranges beyond this, accuracy falls off, and the turret will have some error applied to its targeting solution simulating an inaccurate solution. [*][b]Falloff Range/Error:[/b] At a certain range, the maximum amount of error that can be applied to a target. E.g. if set to 500m error at 1500m, this means that the most the targeting calculation will be off is by 500 meters when the target is 1500m away. [*][b]Min Height:[/b] Used mainly to prevent vehicles from firing into the ground when aiming at aircraft. For most vehicles this is irrelevant, but the ZSU-57-2 uses this to create the "flak floor" effect which prevents it from (purposefully) detonating flak too close to the ground. [/list] [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]Improvements: - Tweaked empty shell color - More responsive radar/threat warning display auto ranging - Added 2 and 8 mile ranges for the displays Bugfixes: - Delayed sounds waiitng to be played after scene has changed no longer crash - Fxied rare crash caused by bullet exploding the vehicle it was fired from if it impacts on its first frame - NavMeshAgent enabled only after initialization (should reduce log spam and make for cleaner vehicle spawning) - Simplified NavMesh spawning, and it now checks through a wider radius (hopefully reduces errors from spawning...) - Vehicles now avoid disabled/destroyed vehicles in addition to wrecks[/code]