v0.8.3.3 is now available on the [b]testers branch[/b]. This patch was to specifically address the biggest complaint that the weapons camera had, which is not being able to view munitions you've already launched/dropped. This also fixes another bug that specifically happened with bombs dropped in the weapons camera. It was pretty difficult to track down, but it also lead to fixing the source of several other problems the CCIP bomb piper had so it was worth it. For more information on the tester's branch and how to join it, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1347550/eventcomments/3266808619800120412/]please see this Steam event post[/url]. [previewyoutube=le-hBrRpQH8;full][/previewyoutube] [code]Improvements: - Weapons camera can view the most recently launched munition Bugfixes: - Weapons camera no longer sometimes looks at the wrong location - CCIP bomb fall line no longer glitches to "no solution" for random frames - CCIP bomb sight should be slightly more accurate[/code]