Hello, I'm in the middle of releasing the next patch, but before it comes out I want to let everybody know about the [b]tester's branch[/b] that is available. Before pushing patches to the live branch for everybody, I usually test them out on the tester's branch. If you want to play with new features/content ASAP and prefer your builds with extra bugs and jank, this one's for you. I want to emphasize that this branch exists mainly to help find bugs. If you find bugs while on the tester's branch in a tester's build, considering posting about it in the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1347550/discussions/1/]Bug Reporting[/url] forum about it, or preferably, [url=https://discord.com/invite/CTDqUUJAVC]join the MicroProse Discord[/url] and talk about it in the [b]#tca-bug-reports[/b] channel. I'm more active on Discord, and it's easier to debug issues that way. [h3]Switching to the Testers branch[/h3] In Steam, right click on the game, then click on Properties. [img]https://i.imgur.com/PVWEwxB.png[/img] In the Properties window, click the Betas tab, in the beta's dropdown select [b]testers[/b]. [img]https://i.imgur.com/LhCMMgc.png[/img] [h3]0.8.3 is currently in testing[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cnfcr4X.png[/img] Patch 0.8.3 is currently active on the tester's branch. When it's released proper, there will be a post about it as usual. As mentioned above, if you want to check it out early, consider leaving feedback on the forums or on the MicroProse Discord.