Hello! The patch notes for this one are short, but there were some substantial under the hood changes. Instant Action functionality has been restored. In particular, the Strike mode. The new vehicle code changed some pretty fundamental assumptions on how vehicles should work, so the Strike code needed to be adapted to work with these new systems. From a feature level, it should be identical, though the vehicles will pathfind a bit now, as opposed to before where they drove in a straight line to the target. With this patch, the new vehicles are now on par with, or exceed all the features of the old vehicle code! If testing of this build goes well, it'll be pushed to live soon. [h2]Changelog:[/h2] [code]New Features: - Instant Action is functional again Improvements: - In instant action, groups of vehicles are spawned in based on the faction defined formations - Removed ~3700 lines of old vehicle and vehicle adjacent code (no game change, but I'm really happy about it) - When a strategic target has negative MaxSupply, the UI will not show supply at all Bugfixes: - Fixed group icon sometimes appearing at the origin for vehicles marked important (i.e. AAA)[/code]