0.14 is now available on the main branch of the game! This features the first couple missions of the training campaign, which is being used to finalize all the Arena features and polish the game for the 1.0 release. [img]https://i.imgur.com/NcPfFb9.png[/img] In case you missed it, [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1347550/view/4216008828247404691]check out this previous news post on the Arena runtime[/url] to get a breakdown for the most important new features and content this patch contains. [h2]Damage Model Updates[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40742388/6cc4fe695662820af4a0da27e161656506730c1c.gif[/img] This patch fixes a couple long-standing issues related to the damage model. The most notable new feature to come out of this, is the introduction of critical parts. To fix some related AI bugs, many parts on aircraft are now marked as "critical". When one of these is destroyed, the AI pilot will attempt to maintain control of the plane, but when they figure out they can't, they'll eject. Between this change and the rest of the damage model fixes, it's now possible to destroy planes without completely obliterating them or setting them on fire. [h2]Game Stuck At Splash Screen Bug Update[/h2] This is an issue which impacts only a very small subset, but it is game breaking enough that I want to get as many eyes on this as possible. If you were somebody whose game would get past the splash screen, and the error log was showing the below error, a workaround has been implemented. [code][FMOD] Initialization failed : Output forced to NO SOUND mode : ERR_OUTPUT_INIT : Error initializing output device.[/code]The game should start up now, but if you were receiving this error, there still won't be any sound. This is a difficult bug that I've been unable to replicate, and even FMOD support themselves don't know much about this since they can't reproduce it. This likely has something to do with FMOD not being sure how to handle specialized audio hardware, and at least one person has figured out a way to fix this on their end. [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1347550/discussions/1/4328601356343965480/]See this thread for more details[/url]. [h2]Map Progress[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hYg5IT0.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/51X1MIu.png[/img] Here's some early shots of villages and towns will be populating the European map. Tools have been written to help in generating the towns to speed up development. As always, this is WIP and subject to change, but I'm really happy with the progress being made and look forward to its completion! [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]New Features: - First 2 missions of the "Prelude" campaign meant to demonstrate/teach all Arena mechanics - Arena attrition mechanic where destroying units reduces the "tickets" available for a side - New objectives using attrition mechanic - Attrition bar to display Attrition mechanics when in Arena map view + Illuminates when attrition damage is done + Has a "combo" visual when lots of damage is done in a short time - Event system to drive mission design and objectives - New Arena runtime and objective system - Completion of objectives and mission completion handled by runtime - Added BMP-1 - Added "Critical parts" which trigger ejection from pilot - Added ingame objectives display for the Arena game modes + Automatically opens on sortie start, when objectives completed/failed, and auto hides + Can always be viewed from the pause menu + Added new setting for objectives display to auto hide (default) or always show Improvements: - Objectives right justified in Arena mission selector - Font size reduced for the arena mission selector - When objectives are completed, a HUD popup appears - Arena map camera dragging more responsive - Arena menu displays objectives with display names - Spawning for vehicles in Arena handled through hand-placed spawn points - Added spawn points to all strategic targets on old and new Island maps - Objectives display in Arena Map UI revised to make failed objectives states and stars earned more clear - Audio speed of sound increased 2x -> 3x - M113 and BTR70 moved to the Mechanized subcategory in the Database - Reimplmented an optimized raycasted ground clamping for vehicles - Added distance readout to the nav mode strategic target markers - Expanded the island tour description - Losing a wingtip in AV8 reduces RCS roll authority - Losing both wingtips in AV8 causes complete loss of RCS roll authority - RCS damage can be caused to specific control axes - It's possible to destroy aircraft from pilot ejecting from damage instead of fire Bugfixes: - Vehicle icons restored when in Arena view - Tweaked navmesh to reduce chance of vehicles getting stuck - Updated Sand Island (WIP) navmesh to fix hole in it - Fixed NRE when switching to vehicle camera before a vehicle has spawned - Vehicles no longer hover above ground or drive under ground - All engine instances can be destroyed by damage - Right engine is destroyed by right side damage on F-4E instead of left - Control damage is no longer multiplied by >200X - Game shouldn't get stuck on splash screens in exceptional audio related circumstances, but there still won't be any sound + See https://steamcommunity.com/app/1347550/discussions/1/4328601356343965480/ Balance: - Reduced gun tracking against air targets for BTR70 and M113: 50 -> 25 - Lowered attrition requirement for blue tickets from 20 -> 15 - Most Wings and elevators on all jets listed as critical - Tweaks to MiG-23 damage model to better match visuals - Reduced image of wing damage from AV8 elevators 2.0 -> 1.0 - F-4 outer wings roll damage increased 0.1 -> 0.2 - Swing wings - Raised blue tickets from 21 to 25 in the Attrition training mission JSON: - Added "DisplayName" to Objectives definition - Replaced "PrimaryObjectives" and "SecondaryObjectives" with unified "Objectives" in Arena mission definition - Objective definitions expanded + Value: Used by the ticket goals as the reference value + IsOneShot: Once the objective is completed, it can't be failed + IsFailing: Used for objectives which are completed by default, and change to failed if their condition fails (e.g. BlueTicketsMoreThan) + IsPrimary: Required to complete the mission + SetFlagOnCompletion: Sets a flag on completion - Added new GoalTypes + RedTicketsLessThan, RedTicketsMoreThan + BlueTicketLessThan, BlueTicketsMoreThan + AircraftArrive + UnitArrive + AircraftTookOffFrom + AircraftLandedAt - Added "IsInvincible" to StrategicTarget definition, preventing it from being disabled from damage - Removed "RCS" as a value for "Control" in the "PhysicsDamage" entries - Added "RCSRoll", "RCSPitch", "RCSYaw", as values for "Control" in the "PhysicsDamage" entries - "Control" value defaults to "None" instead of "Pitch" - Added "IsCritical" to the "DamageablePart" definitions [/code]