This patch is mainly to fix some issues with vehicles moving around on the map. The navmesh has been updated, and ground clamping has been re-added to the game, but with new optimizations. For performance's sake, vehicles used to drive directly on the navmesh. When the maps were guaranteed to be totally flat, this looked just fine. However, with terrain, the navmesh is necessarily coarse enough that imprecisions are actually noticeable, causing hovering vehicles, or vehicles that appeared under the ground. [img][/img] To fix this, ground clamping has been re-implemented, and thanks to previous optimizations this time the performance impact is minimal this time is minimal. Like the rest of the movement, the rate at which the clamping updates is less frequent the further from the camera the vehicles are. The rotation is also pulled directly from the navmesh, which is close enough, skipping the math necessary to level the vehicles on terrain. [img][/img] [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]Improvements: - Reimplmented an optimized raycasted ground clamping for vehicles - Added distance readout to the nav mode strategic target markers - Expanded the island tour description Bugfixes: - Updated Sand Island (WIP) navmesh to fix hole in it - Fixed NRE when switching to vehicle camera before a vehicle has spawned - Vehicles no longer hover above ground or drive under ground Balance: - Lowered attrition requirement for blue tickets from 20 -> 15 [/code]