Audio is one of the more difficult things to work on because it relies on a third party middleware, is very difficult to debug, and for various reasons is very fragile and difficult to source control, so it's always a slog whenever I adjust anything of checking back to make sure I didn't break everything. That said, there are two audio changes this patch: [olist] [*]Audio priorities have been changed around a bit to hopefully make the disappearing player engine audio less likely. [*]Sliders have been added to settings to raise the number of simultaneous channels that can be heard. [/olist] The second change is kind of a hack, but until I find a more permanent and robust solution to the reported audio problems it's the best I can do. Raising the audio channels will make it less likely for sounds to cut out or not play correctly, but there is some CPU cost to this. There's still a couple remaining issues that are likely caused by the updated floating origin. Once those are fixed, this will be pushed to the main branch. [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]New Features: - Added real (64 by default) and virtual (256 by default) audio channels to audio settings tab - Minimum airspeed that can be read by an aircraft is now configurable on a per-aircraft basis Bugfixes: - When vehicles fall off the navmesh, they instead report (with error messages) that they did, but also shouldn't call any invalid NavMeshAgents - Optimized how stores weight is calculated (was an unexpected bottleneck) - Changes to audio mix to hopefully reduce missing engine sounds - Afterburner thrust value no longer affects aircraft if no afterburner is available - AV8B MFD Cruise page minimum speed IAS/TAS now matches the Game HUD minimum speed - Landing gear can no longer be raised/lower post-ejection JSON: - Added "Avionics" property to aircraft with sub-property "MinDisplayedAirspeedMPS" Known Issue: - In Arena, taking off, climbing to 30k feet, then ending sortie and respawning, can put the plane under-ground[/code]