Hello! This past month I've been knocking out bugfixes along with continuing pre-production work on the next map. This includes more work towards moving all the Arena missions to the updated Sand Island terrain. Most of the bugfixes included are small, but there are two very important changes with not so obvious effects and hopefully (crossing my fingers!) no side effects. [h2]Revised cockpit rendering[/h2] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/882914594128011274/1194881755069546536/Unity-2024-01-11-00-49-37.gif[/img] Now that I've been working on cockpits again, I finally did a long-overdue change to how cockpit rendering works since. It doesn't look much different from the player's perspective, but the plane exterior is no longer duplicated in the cockpit model. Instead, when in first person view, JSON specified meshes get hidden. E.g. the third person canopy frame is hidden, because the cockpit model contains its own version of that geometry. Previously, the hiding third person geometry was done through a pushed out near clip plane, cutting off the third person model geometry near to the camera, but this is a very inflexible way to handle the problem and doesn't always line up the way you'd like it to. To compensate for things not always lining up correctly, the whole front of the plane was included in the cockpit model, which caused some annoying issues and visual glitches, and it was annoying to keep the two models perfectly in sync whenever something minor changed. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/882914594128011274/1194882498958733372/blender-2024-01-11-00-55-13.png[/img] This is all gone now. The intended workflow is now much more straightforward and robust. Simply model the cockpit, and just the cockpit. This cockpit model is always drawn on top of the third person geometry. Then, on the third person model, mark objects to be hidden while in first person that would look strange since the cockpit model includes a high res version of them. Things like the third person instrument cluster, canopy bows, etc. The pilot model is now automatically hidden while in first person as well. For modded planes, this should make cockpit rendering a little nicer and more convenient. [h2]Vertical floating origin[/h2] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/882914594128011274/1197946338613153832/image.png[/img] For [i]very[/i] legacy reasons, the game's floating origin worked only in the horizontal. If I recall correctly it was a quick hack to get over something related to either spawning or ground handling. Over time, as systems have been reworked, they've been written with a vertical floating origin in mind, to the point where I think it's feasible to finally make the jump. This should solve all the jittering that was visible as planes got higher in altitude, particularly in the cockpit. The AI in particular had to be gone over with a fine tooth comb and while I think I got everything, if you notice any oddities with altitude reporting or the AI acting strange (more so than usual) then please let me know either here or on the [url=https://discord.com/invite/xyWqGak]MicroProse Discord server[/url]. [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]Improvements: - Cockpit design changed so that ONLY the cockpit is in the cockpit model, no more duplicated geometry (e.g. fuselage in both models) + "Third person" parts of the model such as the canopy bow are hidden when in first person + First pilot automatically hidden when in first person + Cockpitless planes no longer require special h andling regarding camera clip planes - AV8B model updated for new cockpit modeling workflow and removed unused vertex colors - AV8B no longer uses unique shader - Near clip plane for ALL cameras is now 0.05 (most were 1.0) - Far clip plane for ALL cameras is now 100k - When escape menu modal dialogs are open, escape will close it - Floating origin now applies in the vertical Bugfixes: - Page selectors on database mode now work - Instant action wing selector pages should work correctly when multiple pages are visible - Pressing escape during the pause menu while settings or bindings are open won't continue game - Fog and clouds no longer disappear when loading Instant Action after Arena - AI aircraft flying in formation automatically switch back to nav mode - Cockpit no longer shakes at higher altitude - "Investigate" AI behavior correctly accounts for floating origin - "Idle Orbit" AI behavior correctly accounts for floating origin - "Climb" AI behavior correctly accounts for floating origin - Arena icons no longer appear for a single frame near origin when a unit spawns - Camera text correctly accounts for the floating origin JSON: - Warning shown in log when collider is missing - Added "HideInFirstPerson" list to aircraft definition (see AV8B JSON for example)[/code]