Collision handling with water and the VFX have been vastly improved. Airburst variant of the Mk82 and dud munitions have been added. New evening lighting effects! [img][/img] [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]New features: - Effects when aircraft "slide" on water - Engine wash effects for water - Flyover effects over land - Effecs for fuselage collisions with water - Debris hitting water splahes and gets destroyed - Water applies damage over time - Air and water explosion effects for use by vehicles and weapons - When killed by water, camera is closer and looks at impact - "Dud" munitions when weapons impact something before their ArmTime + Dud munitions play collision impact effects on impact + Duds create Rigibdody impulse proportional to kinetic energy of impact + Duds do impact damage proportional to the kinetic energy of the impact - Effects for when a munition airbursts low over ground or water - Effects for when munitions explode from airburst/proximity fuzes - Effects for when munitions impact water - Buildings have meshes for lights at night time - Mk82 Airburst + Mk82 with increased splash radius and 30m airburst fuze - "Convoy Attack" loadout which uses the new Mk82 Airburst - Streetlights added to main roads with lights visible from a distance - Modular helipad models created and populated around the island Improvements: - Water made "slippery" - Flyover effects triggered by airspeed rather than throttle setting - Flyover effect handled per-airframe rather than per engine nozzle - Optimizations to Flyover and engine wash effects - All collision impact effects (hard, soft, dirt, ground impact, and impact explode) tweaked - Debris hitting the water - Bright water splash effects for weapons - Fence shadows added to Kogasa - Inroads for Kogasa/Nazrin - Buildings baked into navmesh - Terrain colliders centered terrain meshes to improve physics precision (fixes wrong material detected for weapons/collisions) - Removed base offset from vehicles now that navmesh is way more accurate - Grass colors tweaked - Old islands color palette tweaked to match new islands - Wire roads added to old islands - Old island buildings use new prefabs - "Evening" time of day made late enough that lights are on - Added buildings to populate the small islands Bugfixes: - Landing gear non-functional on water - Navmesh for big island continuously connects roads and bridges - Fixed misaligned navmesh areas - Terrain sorting prioritizes grass over water - Improved terrain material detection - Multi-select dialog wouldn't show second page under certain circumstances - Flexible select dialog doesn't change size when going between pages - All strategic targets have correctly assigned airfields again (fixes rearming in instant action) JSON: - Renamed "Mk82Snakeye" to "Mk82SE" - Added SplashWater", "SplashHard", and "SplashSoft" to "WeaponEffectProperties, used for dud impacts[/code]