[h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]New Features: - Working PAPI lights added to several airfields on the Island map - Added physics props affected by explosions and aircraft engines + Traffic cones placed around several airfields - Added cheat "coneposting" Improvements: - Changes to how "ExplodeOnImpact" JSON property is handled by bullets + Explosion damage is now done IN ADDITION to impact damage + Explosion effect is now triggered only when a bullet times out with "ExplodeOnTimeout" set to true - Tightened requirements for VTOL HUD mode (<100 knots, >55 degrees nozzle) - Added LOD to the PAPI light enclosures Bugfixes: - Gun cross no longer appears behind jet - Gun and munititions can no longer be fired after ejection - Store attachment points correctly account for non-uniform scaling - Version/Steam connection status text on bottom left now get spaced correctly at 1600x1200[/code]