This is a small patch to keep up the tempo while larger features are being worked on. Expect an update very soon about terrain in particular! I have some exciting news to announce. [img][/img] [h2]Updated External Camera Motion[/h2] [previewyoutube=ixiakqKkAH0;full][/previewyoutube] Basically it uses acceleration to convey the motion of the jet. It feels really good, and is adjustable. This is on almost max settings. 0% setting would be how the camera used to be. The funny part is that this is based on how the camera used to work in some of the earliest pre-release builds before the game was announced, but it was lost at some point during a camera rework. The camera in those ancient builds was actually awesome and I've been meaning to bring it back for a while. Another minor issue that's been fixed is that the camera changes its distance depending on the object. I.e. the camera isn't too close now when looking at bigger planes like the F-4 and MiG-23. [h2]Handling of "orphaned" launchers by aircraft[/h2] A long-running issue in the game is that when an aircraft lost wings that contained stores, the fire control didn't know how to handle that. This was the source of [i]many[/i] different bugs. I'd been putting off fixing it, because usually by the time any bug happens you won't live long enough for it to matter much, but the pile was getting too big. [url=]This item on Trello lists some of the resultant reported bugs[/url]. Now though, the fire control and stores management reacts to lost weapons and removes them from the plane. This should fix all of the resultant bugs, and also some minor ones that weren't reported like lost stores still counting towards a plane's weight. [h2]Changelog:[/h2] [code]New Features: - Added setting for external camera motion in the camera settings tab - Added countermeasure firing sound Improvements: - External/Chase came adjusts distance based on the viewed object - New external/chase camera motion that better conveys movement through air - Terrain scatter colors adjusted - Terrain scatters (e.g. grass) can align to terrain - All engines are a little less high pitched Bugfixes: - Aircraft no longer report a reversed acceleration to cameras - More robust spawning rules to prevent failed ground unit spawns - Tweaked FMOD logging rules to prevent inconsequential error reported when audio devices are removed/added - External/chase camera transition removed because it was buggy - "Orphaned" launchers and stores are removed from a plane's fire control when they fall off a plane + Should fix a ton of bugs related to what happens to planes after they take damage[/code]