Hello, this is a small patch that if it goes well in the next couple days will be pushed to live. Compared to the last patch, the only major feature is the addition of the new munition options. However, these new options touched some pretty low level code that could have effects in unintended areas, so I want to be sure it runs fine before it goes live. [h2]X1, X3, X5, and Unlimited Munition Counts[/h2] [previewyoutube=0Rz1Pag-bwU;full][/previewyoutube] A new option for adjusting the munitions carried on the plane has been added. X1 is the default, and uses the loadouts as they currently work. Unlimited, as it sounds, makes it so that you never run out of bombs or missiles. The middle options, X3 and X5, allow you to carry an exaggerated, but still limited, number of munitions. For some peoples' play styles, especially since there aren't wingmen, I think this will hit a good middle ground. Worth mentioning too is that spamming cluster bombs like crazy caused the volume to get so loud that it was just totally unacceptable. The game's audio now has a compressor built into its final mix so that if something ever gets so loud that it would blow out the game's volume (and your eardrums) the volume gets reduced to safe levels. [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]New Features: - Added X1, X3, X5, and Unlimited munitions option to the gameplay settings - Gun has new 3X ammo option in gameplay settings Improvements: - Floating origin generates less garbage - Added sound compressor to game so the game volume won't clip like crazy when lots of loud SFX happen at the same time - Lofting calculation adjusted for less aggressive lofting when the missile has just launched Balance: - AGM-65D tweaked for more predictable performance at close ranges + Motor delay reduced (0.5 -> 0.25) + Seeker delay reduced (1.0 -> 0.5) + Loft angle slightly reduced (15 -> 12) [/code]