Another 2 weeks of development down! Steam Next Fest is growing closer and we’re making good time. Be sure to stay tuned on our Steam page and our Discord, so you can play the demo as soon as it drops! [b]MORE WIZARDS[/b] The first 4 Wizards have been fully implemented, and they look like this: [img][/img] Each one has a signature spell that you start the game with. The next Dev Log will probably be about those, so stay tuned! [b]MORE ENEMIES[/b] We’ve also got 5 enemies now, including a very epic boss! [img][/img] The first 2 are pretty basic grunts. The jiggly one is a giant exploding tick that tries to blow up in your face! The one to the right is a weird mutated snail with arms that has a weak spot in the back. Work together with your teammates to try and hit it in the back. As for the (first) boss, it looks like this: [img][/img] We’re still adding some cool effects to this one, but we can’t decide on a good name. If you have any cool suggestions, either drop 'em below or let us know on our [b]Discord[/b]! [b]LOTS OF MENUS AND BUTTONS[/b] We’ve also done some work in the UI department, as you can see below: [img][/img] There are tons of other things to share of course, but we won’t spoil everything! Next time we’ll go over some of the spells and elements, and share any more news regarding the Steam Next Fest demo. We’re so close! In the meantime you can [b]WISHLIST OUR GAME[/b], as well as [b]JOIN OUR DISCORD[/b] where we post development updates [b]DAILY[/b]. [img][/img] That’s all. See you soon! BOLT BLASTER OUT