[b]ATTENTION BRIGADEERS![/b] The Spell Brigade releases in [b]2 DAYS![/b] As part of our countdown to release, we’re releasing a 5-part FAQ series, featuring some much asked about topics regarding the game. You can check out our last 3 posts which tackled our [i]co-op matchmaking, meta progression[/i] and [i]friendly fire[/i]. Now, let’s break down our [b]REVIVE SYSTEM[/b]. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44991302/197339b94b3c1e78797b89c81bcf3bdf8fdb6f2c.gif[/img] As we like to mention, dying and coming back is a big part of our game, more so than your regular roguelite even! Because aside from the usual “die, unlock upgrades, try again” shtick, our game features a revive system inspired by some of our favorite co-op games. [h2][b]MEMENTO MORI [/b][/h2]So, what happens when we die? Who can say, really? As for our wizards here though, when they take a hit too many, they explode, leaving nothing behind but a bright crystal. It is up to another member of the Spell Brigade to charge up this crystal so their fallen teammate can beam back into action. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44991302/c71f4b16761cca4e54bd8c5bc4f1c617d9440e2c.gif[/img] Performing this sacred ritual is no easy feat, and can only be done with the use of a Revive Token. Each wizard starts with 2. By upgrading one of your Enchantments, you can start with more. In a team though, these Revive Tokens are shared. So a team of 4 wizards would start out with 8 Revive Tokens, which can be spent on whoever needs them. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44991302/c9b792e4f1f462a4cda64e662aa9691e986b1c8b.gif[/img] [h2][b]BACK WITH A BANG [/b][/h2]When a wizard is successfully revived, they can slightly adjust their position before beaming back into the battlefield, dealing an enormous amount of damage to anything within range. Many wizards find strategic value in this move, and sometimes die on purpose so they can use this powerful ability to their advantage. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44991302/213a1418e1c5903b51b992d4f3cfd760fa25c41e.gif[/img] When the team is out of Revive Tokens, a new one is always slowly generated. This takes time however, so only count on this as a last resort. Because when there are no more Revive Tokens, and the last wizard standing dies, the mission has failed, and the wizards are forced to return to their base, fleeing to fight another day. Tune in tomorrow for a final FAQ, where we go over the different types of Spell upgrades. We hope you found these posts interesting and are stoked to try out the game! Don’t forget to: 1. [url=https://discord.gg/8qZ2zd22t6][b][u]Join our discord[/u][/b][/url] for [b]DAILY[/b] dev posts and intellectual wizard-related discussions. 2. [b]Wishlist the game[/b] so you can get it as soon as it’s out! 3. Tell your friends so you can join the Spell Brigade [b]TOGETHER[/b]. BOLT BLASTER OUT