Obviously the big news this week was the official graduation of [i]Starcom: Unknown Space[/i] to 1.0. The Release Candidate had been very well tested by Early Access players in the two weeks leading up to launch, so I wasn't too worried about new players finding huge bugs. But there's a lot of uncertainty and stress around pushing the Release button. This time, I had a mini panic attack at 1:05 pm when it was time to go and the Steam backend reported that there was a problem. Apparently it decided that there was a conflict between the game's original launch date discount from December 2022 and the Space Exploration Fest discount. Fortunately, clearing the original discount fixed the problem and I was good to go. With so many new players, there are inevitably new issues discovered, but generally they have been either rare issues that I was aware of, or minor issues that don't require urgent fixes. Overall, I'd say the launch has gone very well, exceeding my expectations. During Early Access I was able to respond individually to [i]almost[/i] every player in the discussion forums, and I'm sorry that hasn't been possible with the 1.0 launch. I'm still trying to spend an hour or two every day reading player comments and responding when I have time: I do appreciate players taking the time to provide feedback and suggestions. Also, a big thank you to the Early Access players who have helped answer new players' questions. And thanks for the words of encouragement, they really do boost my energy and motivation. Besides everything surrounding launch, this week I've been working on an update mainly focused on improving controller / Deck support. See [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1750770/discussions/0/4754200399767350027/?tscn=1725528055]this thread for details[/url]. There's an opt-in beta associated with it that improves controller support (as well as some other minor fixes). I think it's moving in the right direction, but needs some more work in some of the UI areas. For the next week or two I plan to continue improving controller / deck support and adding minor QoL enhancements. Then I'll take a look and see what bigger tasks I'd like to tackle. Until next week, thanks again! - Kevin