It's almost here! After almost three years of development and nine rounds of closed betas, [i]Starcom: Unknown Space[/i] will enter Early Access next Wednesday on December 14 and everyone who has been patiently waiting can finally experience the game. [b]The price will be $19.99 (USD, regional pricing may vary), $16.99 during launch week after a 15% discount.[/b] I feel very good about the level of quality of the game so far: while there is a lot of work left to do, play testers have generally found very few issues and reported the game to be in great shape and a lot of fun. The main reason for releasing in Early Access is that it currently only has about 6-8 hours of gameplay. In terms of story, I'd say it has a prologue and first act. While I have drawn up plans for the rest of the story, the details are very subject to what players want: which storylines do you want more focus on, what kinds of missions are the most interesting, which enemies are the most fun to fight, etc. Also, while the game has a wide variety of ship building options, there are a number of systems I plan on adding in the near future and I'm interested in hearing from you about their balance and fun factor, as well as adjusting the balance of existing modules and systems. Finally, there are the myriad little things that can turn a great game into an amazing game: quality of life improvements, easter eggs, lore, character details, and more. So I hope you'll grab a copy at launch: not just because initial sales are vitally important for indie visibility on Steam (although that is important), but because I want to hear from you on how to make [i]Starcom: Unknown Space[/i] the best experience it can be. If you have questions, suggestions and feedback, I want to hear from you: [url=]feel free to post in the discussion forums.[/url]. [img][/img]