Have you played [i]Starcom: Unknown Space[/i]? I've created a quick survey to hear where you'd like me to prioritize my efforts for the next few updates: [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtUj2k10m4Sjj-mrhYDkjo5UN2k0kMMpolXaQfI3FmP05fHQ/viewform?usp=sf_link]Starcom: Unknown Space Player Survey[/url] Also, there's a new opt-in beta available, Fornax. This is not compatible with Draconis saves (the current default build), but if you're about to start a new game, you might want to consider switching to this branch. From early tester reports it is at least as stable and offers a number of improvements over Draconis. Instructions for switching betas are here: [url=http://wx3.com/early-access-updates-and-save-games/]http://wx3.com/early-access-updates-and-save-games/[/url] Some of the combined changes from Europa and Fornax: [list] [*] New mid-game content, anomalies, factions and side-quests [*] Changes to skill checks and skill system [*] Several new technologies & modules [*] Player can rename crew [*] Factions now gradually recover or lose resources over time to return to baseline [*] Misc. changes to trade system [*] Changes to NPC AIs [*] Changes to thermal efficiency [*] Fix for music volume issue [*] Includes "built-in" save that allows skipping of the opening prologue story line for players who have already played a previous build [*] Numerous typo and bug fixes [/list] Finally, I'd like to remind everyone that if you have questions or suggestions, a great place to post them is in the Steam discussion forum, which I read regularly. It's also where I post regular weekly progress updates: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1750770/discussions/0/]https://steamcommunity.com/app/1750770/discussions/0/[/url] There's also an official Starcom Discord, which I pop into from time to time. I don't always participate, but I do often read discussions there: [url=https://discord.gg/uddMTC5]Starcom Discord[/url] Thanks for reading and thanks for playing Starcom: Unknown Space! - Kevin