Since [i]Starcom: Unknown Space[/i] entered Early Access in December, I've been hard at work on fixes, changes and new content. Due to the interconnected open-world nature of the game, major changes to the game's content are not save compatible. To minimize player confusion, not every content change is immediately posted to the default branch (which most players are on). Instead, these are posted as opt-in betas so that players can switch to them. Once the combined betas have enough new content and have been tested by several dozen players, they will be made the default. [url=]Details on Beta updates and how to switch to them can be found here[/url]. The latest beta, Draconis Unstable (combined with the changes and content from Cassiopeia) is on track to be made the default build in a little over a week, barring any major new bugs discovered between now and then. If you are about to start a new game, you may want to switch to the beta now, so you can start on the latest version. As always, even if the default version changes, you will always be able to switch back to older versions to access previous saves. Summary of the major changes from Betelgeuse (with minimal spoilers): [list] [*]Several new story lines, regions, missions, mostly in the current mid-game [*]Numerous new anomalies and discoveries [*]Changes to region placements [*]Buffs to several techs and level II modules [*]Increase max thermal penalties, slow dissipation [*]Thermal exhaust modules [*]Tactical "slicing" to improve item drop probability [*]Add mission coordinates to mission log entries [*]General improvements to the tracking and completion of certain missions [*]Smoothed item drop frequency [*]Flinger speed increased, fling sound [*]Change to skill check result display [*]Menu option to adjust intensity of anomaly image distortion/noise effect [*]Esc now closes Ship menu [*]Change player name input to separate first / last name [*]Fix for issue where NPCs would fail to respawn [*]Fix for issue for random anomalies not being added [*]Fix for Plasma/Flinger issue [*]AI better at avoiding star damage radius (still not perfect) [*]Edgedar Icons no longer block firing action (also fixes bug where sometimes there would be small a firing dead zone) [*]Lots of minor bug fixes [*]Numerous minor mission, balance adjustments [*]Numerous typos fixed [/list] Thanks for reading, until next update! - Kevin