Betelgeuse 10810 has had a enough testers that I feel it is stable enough to go live on the default branch. It is a relatively minor patch (no content changes) and should be save compatible. As always, if you experience any issues, please them report in the Discussion Forums or via F8 in-game. [list] [*] Fix for NullReference exceptions in a late-game scenario [*] Undo, redo, revert in shipyard [*] Preliminary Steam Workshop integration [*] Improvements, fixes for gamepad controllers (particularly the shipyard) [*] Obstacles registered as targets for AI and controller [*] Allow submission of screenshot with F8 feedback [*] Minor UI improvements [*] Minor performance improvements [/list] Eventually there will be in-game help for gamepad controls, however this will be integrated with content changes, so for now there is are (partial) control definitions in the option menu.