If you're on the mailing list, you know that I'm aiming to start a new round of playtests very soon. The last week has been spent trying to cram as much new features and content in before now, when I'm switching to testing, fixing and polishing those features. I don't expect to encounter any major delays here, but you never know. Once I have a stable build, I'll send out a small wave of playtest invites in the next, and if the first wave doesn't encounter any major game-breaking bugs, I'll send out a larger batch soon after. If you don't get an invite this round, there will definitely be more before the game goes to Early Access. If you're interested in the technical side of things, I just posted a new blog entry talking about the [url=http://wx3.com/building-the-mission-system-for-an-open-world-rpg/]design of the mission logic system[/url]. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42185452/eda384e96668d663af32bf2ad76d058af5a45430.png[/img] All for now, until next update!