As I mentioned last week, this is an abbreviated work week as I had eye surgery which I'm now recovering from (I wrote most of this draft just before the surgery and am recovering well, thanks!) Following the promotion of Icarus build to default and general announcements to that effect, there's been a flux of first time players into the game. I've been monitoring player feedback and analytics to see how things are going and overall I've happy with reports. There are some issues, but for the most part they're minor. The few reports of players getting stuck have come from known areas in the late game. (As a reminder, in game feedback is anonymous: if you submit a save game with a comment of being stuck, be sure to also post in the discussion forums or give some way to contact you) Apart from that I've worked on: [list] [*] Optimize performance in map view, which can get a bit CPU heavy in the late game; [*] Creating an anomaly indicator for the map to highlight anomalies with additional interaction; [*] Adding a toggle to certain ship log entries to drop a pin on the map for that entry; [*] Made progress on implementing the oft requested "zoom to cursor" when in map mode. This has turned out to be surprisingly tricky, but getting close. For one thing, I had initially wasted a lot of time implementing a zoom that centered on the cursor position. But the right behavior is actually to zoom the camera so that whatever is under the mouse doesn't move. [/list] Until next week! - Kevin [img][/img]