After several weeks of reduced productivity due to surgery, this past week marks a return to my normal schedule. As I mentioned last week, I've been working on alternate solution to a late game challenge that was turning out to be a bit too frustrating for many players. I finished that up last weekend and have switched to my favorite development activity: creating new content. I decided to start with a little side quest/story that I had an idea for while recovering. The story adds a new alien faction and I wanted to give them a different fixed gun attack to fit with their character. A while back I mentioned refactoring missiles to separate the projectile behavior from its core control logic, allowing for more flexible missile variants. So I decided to do the same for the fixed projectiles, then spent a ridiculous amount of time tweaking their attack. Other tasks from the past week: [list] [*] Implemented a new opening for the prologue that adds a brief intro and zoom-in before the start. [*] Tracked down a bug in the void exploration logic that makes some encounters like the "luminous ether" much rarer than intended. [/list] As always, new features/content won't be available in-game until the next named update and may change. Until next week! - Kevin