Last week I posted a survey on the game content, specifically the amount of content currently in the game and the kinds of content players would like to see more of. I've received about 200 responses so far and overall most players said there's either enough or close to enough content currently. Still, almost 1 in 5 players said there was "way too little". Based on comments, I'm inferring most of these responses are [i]mainly[/i] due to two reasons: [list] [*] Players love the game and want there to be as much content as possible [*] There are particular kinds of content that players feel the game needs more of to feel complete (e.g., combat, void exploration, resolution to particular narratives, etc) [/list] If you haven't yet, please take a moment to fill out the survey. And feel free to give details to your thoughts in the free response question. [url=]Google Forms Survey Link[/url] Also, as usual, here's an update of what I worked on this past week: [list] [*] Finished work on the weapon I mentioned last week [*] Started work on a longer side quest [/list] Until next week! - Kevin