I've spent most of the past week working on some new content & features that I don't want to discuss for spoiler reasons, so I thought this would be a good time to conduct a player survey. Specifically, I want to ask players how they're feeling about the current amount of content in game, and the types of content they'd like to see more of. If you have finished playing either Icarus (the current default build) or Jupiter (the latest opt-in beta), please take a minute to answer this quick survey. [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdsRhDM3oJzcsAE-24SzlanqlUX1MlpxrdBYHEw7KoJLfmPA/viewform?usp=sf_link]Google Forms Survey Link[/url] Also, as usual, here's an update of what I worked on this past week: [list] [*] Finished work on the hidden side quest I mentioned last week [*] Started refactoring a combat feature in anticipation of making it a player accessible weapon [*] Continued work with Moritz on new tracks [/list] Until next week! - Kevin