I'm doing this week's update a day earlier than usual to coincide with Steam's Spring Sale. If you are about to start playing [i]Starcom: Unknown Space[/i] for the first time, you may consider switching to the opt-in Jupiter beta branch. This is officially an "unstable" version but general feedback is that it is actually pretty stable and overall an improvement over Icarus (the current default). Since saves are not-compatible across named versions, if you want to try Jupiter you should switch before starting a new game. [url=https://wx3.com/early-access-updates-and-save-games/]Instruction for switching to the opt-in build here[/url]. The beta you want is unstable_jupiter. Among other things, this is the first build to include an ending the game's main storyline. It also aims to address some of the areas where players report getting "stuck", so I'm very interested in hearing feedback from first time players. Also, Jupiter enhances the shipyard with improvements like multi-module editing and setting design "goals" for trading. A full list of changes in Jupiter can be found in this [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1750770/discussions/0/4146194656552988293/]forum post[/url]. What I've worked on in the past week: [list] [*] Changes to a late game mission to feel more "organic" [*] Began work on a secret "side quest" [*] Created 4 new anomalies [*] FPS limiting option [*] Altered ship log logic to show correct Anomaly images if the image changes during the course of interaction [*] Worked with Mortiz on additional music tracks [/list] As always, work mentioned in weekly updates are "in progress" and will not appear in game until the next build update and are subject to change. Thanks playing! - Kevin