It's been a busy week. Last week's announcement of the "last chance before price increase" sale brought a lot of new players and returning old players, who had questions and feedback, so I spent more time in the discussion forums than usual. So welcome new players (and welcome back old)! Players also helped me investigate some issues. One player found the main menu didn't load: they were just stuck looking at the space backdrop. Another player couldn't load their save. The first issue was the result of a corrupted save. The second was a result of the rare "duplicate player persistent" bug which prevented the player from loading their save and has been lurking in the game for quite a while. Fortunately, they submitted a save which finally allowed me to reproduce the issue. Normally, when the game is saved, the player's ship is removed from the universe and saved separately with the player object. Somehow, in this case, the player's ship was left in universe causing there to be two entities with the same id. (Unfortunately, they submitted their feedback anonymously, so I have no way to tell them how to resolve their issue) The root causes of both these bugs were not directly related, but they revealed a problem that had been introduced with the switch to production build: the Unity error display window is gone, so players don't see any error message that hints at a possible problem. So I've changed the error handling logic to open the game's developer console, which should show the most recent exception. Hopefully exceptions remain rare, but if they do occur players will at least get a hint of what's gone wrong. A patch for these issues (build 17316) is now on the unstable branch and will be promoted to default in the next few days. The build also adds some minor QoL improvements including changing some of the UI sounds which some players report being too high pitched. A third issue, reported after that patch was deployed, caused players to be unable to progress on one of the early mission paths: [spoiler]Bribing the Ermyr to let you land on the Forbidden Planet[/spoiler]. Not a true soft lock because an alternate in-game path existed, but definitely a bug. Apparently this bug has existed for a while, and probably had been experienced by some players, but this was the first time I became aware of it. This one will be fixed shortly. Thanks for reading, until next week! - Kevin