As promised last week, the first Jupiter build has been uploaded to an unstable beta branch. It's been quite a while since the last named update, partly due to spending more time doing post-launch Icarus patches, but mostly due to my goal of introducing an ending to the game's story. Late in the process I found myself caught in the trap of "the players have waited so long for this build, they won't be happy unless I do X". But this eventually becomes a self-perpetuating cycle as X inevitably takes longer than I originally thought, and I feel compelled to add Y and Z. I finally reached a point of deciding that it's better to get some feedback on the new stuff and defer some known items. Consider this a warning that this build might be a rougher build than previous opt-ins. There aren't any known game breaking bugs, but some content isn't quite as done as I would like, there have been untested balance changes, and some of the late areas may have performance issues. Some players have already started playing since I posted about it on Tuesday, but as most of the changes are in the late game, no player has made it that far and I still don't have a sense as to whether there are any serious bugs. So [i]very[/i] brave commanders who want to venture forth into the Jupiter build, have at it. Once I get feedback from players who make it all the way through, I'll give some guidance in the weekly update on how rough it actually is. ([url=]Opt-in instructions here[/url]). Non-spoiler list of changes: [list] [*]Prologue transition [*]End game credit screen [*]New mid-game story, faction [*]Two new void mini-quests, encounters [*]New late game story, mission [*]New end game story, missions [*]Two late game "easter eggs" [*]Fix for missing void encounters [*]New weapon variants [*]Refactor fixed weapons, control schemes [*]Anomaly soundscapes [*]18 new anomalies [*]Numerous new actor dialogues [*]New modules [*]New techs [*]New enemies, abilities [*]Damage type logic, refactor resistance [*]Refactored Station operations logic [*]New techs highlighted [*]Additional analytics [*]Hints/fixes for several stuck scenarios [*]Engine turbo sound fades out [*]Numerous balance changes [*]Numerous new VFX [*]Minor changes to dialogue behavior [*]Improved mission authoring tool [*]Improved testing tools [*]Changed autosave timing [*]Fix for vsync not being saved [*]Fix for secondary weapon not being saved [*]Several performance optimizations [*]Various QoL changes [*]Numerous bug fixes [/list] Build 16006 patch: [list] [*] Fix for new analytics telemetry potentially logging player name, which would make the analytics non-anonymous [*] Added canvas scaler for prologue text [*] Fix beams not targeting fighter drones after object re-pooling [/list] Until next week! - Kevin