Last weekend I finished a full playthrough of Kepler and came up with a list of just under 100 candidate items I'd like to fix/add before making it available as an opt-in beta. Most of these were pretty small bug fixes/tweaks/balance changes, although there is one feature and one new story line that will take more time. In the first half of the week I whittled the list down to under fifty. Now I'm starting into the two larger items. My current plan is to see how far I get in the next week. Then I'll do another fast playthrough because a number of the latest round changes/fixes are big enough that the chances of introducing a game-breaking bug is significant. My current goal is to have Kepler available for opt-in testing in the next two weeks, but that will depend on how long the two bigger items take and whether the second playthrough hits any critical issues. Tasks done in the past week: [list] [*] Finished full playthrough [*] Prioritized list of candidate changes [*] Lots of fixes, balance changes [*] Added resource source analytics [*] Optimized NPC tech modifier lookup [*] Refactored map icon updates [*] Started work on new enemy attack [*] Worked with Moritz on the new music tracks [/list] Until next week! - Kevin