It's finally here! After 20 months in Early Access, [i]Starcom: Unknown Space[/i] has finally graduated to its full 1.0 version. I, and more importantly the players, are very happy about the current state of the game. The game has evolved and improved with the help and feedback from countless brave commanders during EA. I couldn't have done it without them. The official "Kepler" version has a complete storyline with: [list] [*] 230+ unique anomalies [*] 60+ main story and side-quest missions to investigate [*] 150+ technologies to research [*] Lots of alien factions and characters to discover, ally, trade with and/or disintegrate [*] Median time for players to reach the main game ending is roughly 30 hours [/list] [img][/img] [i]Images from some of the 230+ anomalies[/i] While I am still continuing to improve the game with quality of life enhancements and side exploration content, future updates will be save compatible with the current build. As usual, there is an "unstable" beta branch where [url=]new builds will be deployed first for opt-in testing[/url]. This branch also has more detailed anonymous analytics, helping me find and fix problems before deploying to the default branch. As always, you can submit anonymous feedback in-game at any time by pressing F8. If you have questions or issues that you want me to be able to respond to, please post in the [url=]Steam discussion forums. [/url] [h2]How You Can Help[/h2] Some players have asked how they can help the game besides providing feedback and suggestions. As an indie developer, I depend heavily on word of mouth and the mysterious Steam algorithm and am grateful for players' help spreading awareness. Besides buying the game during launch, you can suggest the game to your favorite streamer, and/or leave a review. But as I've said before, I'm extremely fortunate to have had a fantastic player base who supported the game throughout Early Access and provided enormous amounts of feedback, bug reports, suggestions, as well as encouragement. While I haven't implemented every single suggestion, the game would never have reached the quality it has without them. So thank you again Early Access players, and thanks to everyone has supported this ongoing journey! - Kevin [img][/img]