[i]Starcom: Unknown Space[/i] entered Early Access over 18 months ago and has come along way since then. Based on player feedback, the game is in great shape and a near-future version of the current "Kepler" build will likely become the 1.0 release. While this does not mean that I'm done with development, it does signal that the main storyline now has a proper ending, and that I do not plan on introducing any save-breaking changes after this point. The official graduation from Early Access still needs to be scheduled and depends on coordinating with some external factors, but is planned for later this summer. The current sale is a last chance to get the game at a discount from its "Early Access" pricing. After this sale is over the price will go up to its full release price. Once the game graduates from Early Access, I plan to continue working on the game. There are a number of pieces of additional content I have ideas for, as well as some new features, balance tweaks, and quality of life improvements. I'm also considering making some of the content creation tools I've build available to anyone interested in modding the game. [h3]Weekly Update[/h3] In the past week I've been working closely with a German translator to create a proper professional German translation, along with getting some feedback from Alex who did the original Starcom: Nexus German translation. Hardy, the game's portrait artist, has worked up some new store graphics that I'm excited about. Here's a preview: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42185452/8e5e071885047e4b8651bf891aa6ec6a064420c0.png[/img] In addition I've worked on some minor fixes/updates: [list] [*] Difficulty option in new game [*] Map zoom to mouse preference not saved [*] Highlight investigate not highlighting space artifacts [*] Captain's notes no longer scaling correctly (bug introduced with a recent map optimization) [*] Memory footprint investigation, optimizations [*] Havok, fighter stats in ship systems panel [*] Minor sound tweaks [/list] These updates aren't in the game yet, but will be added in the near future with some additional changes, initially as an opt-in. I'd like to thank all the Early Access players who have supported the game and helped shape it through development with their suggestions, feedback, and bug reports! - Kevin